ROCEFIN Brasil - portugisisk - ANVISA (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária)


produtos roche quÍmicos e farmacÊuticos s.a. - ceftriaxona dissÓdica hemieptaidratada - cefalosporinas

BD BBL™ DrySlide™ Nitrocefin slides Singapore - engelsk - HSA (Health Sciences Authority)

bd bbl™ dryslide™ nitrocefin slides

becton dickinson holdings pte. ltd. - microbiology - for use in determining beta-lactamase production by bacteria.

대웅곰세핀주0.5그램(세프트리악손나트륨수화물)(수출명:bearcefinInj.0.5g,EUROCEFInj0.5g) Sør-Korea - koreansk - MFDS (식품 의약품 안전부)


daewoong bio inc. - ceftriaxone sodium hydrate - 흰색 ~ 황백색의 가루가 들어있는 무색투명한 바이알 - 1바이알 중 - 1바이알 중,세프트리악손나트륨수화물,ep,500,밀리그램 - [618]주로 그람양성, 음성균에 작용하는 것 - ○ 유효균종 황색포도구균(페니실리나제 생성균 포함), 표피포도구균, 폐렴연쇄구균, 스트렙토콕쿠스 피오게네스(그룹a-베타용혈성), 스트렙토콕쿠스 아갈락티에(그룹b), 스트렙토콕쿠스 비리단스, 우연쇄구균, 에로모나스, 알칼리게네스, 모락셀라 카타랄리스, 시트로박터, 엔테로박터(일부균주내성), 대장균, 연성하감균, 인플루엔자균(암피실린 내성균 포함), 파라인플루엔자균, 클레브시엘라(폐렴간균 등), 모락셀라, 모르가넬라 모르가니, 프로테우스 미라빌리스, 프로테우스 불가리스, 프로비덴시아, 임균(페니실리나제 생성균 포함), 수막염균, 플레지오모나스 시겔로이디즈, 녹농균(일부 균주 내성), 살모넬라(장티푸스균 포함), 세라티아(영균포함), 시겔라, 예르시니아(예르시니아 엔테로콜리티카 포함), 박테로이드(박테로이디즈 프라질리스 일부 균주 포함), 클로스트리듐(클로스트리듐 다이피셀 제외), 푸소박테륨(푸소박테륨 모르티페룸, 푸소박테륨 바륨 제외), 펩토구균, 펩토연쇄구균 ○ 적응증 - 폐렴, 기관지염 등 호흡기계 감염증 - 이비인후과 감염증 - 신장 및 요로감염증, 임질 등 생식기 감염증 - 패혈증 - 수술 전‧후 감염예방 - 골 및 관절 감염증 - 피부, 상처 및 ...

Rocephalin Cum Lidocain 1 g injektiokuiva-aine ja liuotin, liuosta varten Finland - finsk - Fimea (Suomen lääkevirasto)

rocephalin cum lidocain 1 g injektiokuiva-aine ja liuotin, liuosta varten

roche oy - ceftriaxone, lidocaine hydrochloride monohydrate - injektiokuiva-aine ja liuotin, liuosta varten - 1 g - keftriaksoni

ROCEPHIN® Romania - rumensk - ANMDM (Agentia Nationala a Medicamentului si a Dispozitivelor Medicale)


roche romania s.r.l. - ceftriaxonum - pulb. pt. sol. perf. - 2g - alte antibiotice betalactamice cefalosporine de generatia a iii-a

DHACOCIN for injection 500mgvial Singapore - engelsk - HSA (Health Sciences Authority)

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mylan pharmaceuticals pte. ltd. - vancomycin hydrochloride 512.571mg/vial equivalent to vancomycin - injection, powder, lyophilized, for solution - 500 mg - vancomycin hydrochloride 512.571mg/vial equivalent to vancomycin 500 mg

VANCOMYCIN HYDROCHLORIDE injection, powder, lyophilized, for solution USA - engelsk - NLM (National Library of Medicine)

vancomycin hydrochloride injection, powder, lyophilized, for solution

fresenius kabi usa, llc - vancomycin hydrochloride (unii: 71wo621tjd) (vancomycin - unii:6q205eh1vu) - to reduce the development of drug-resistant bacteria and maintain the effectiveness of vancomycin hydrochloride for injection, usp and other antibacterial drugs, vancomycin should be used only to treat or prevent infections that are proven or strongly suspected to be caused by susceptible bacteria.  when culture and susceptibility information are available, they should be considered in selecting or modifying antibacterial therapy.  in the absence of such data, local epidemiology and susceptibility patterns may contribute to the empiric selection of therapy. vancomycin hydrochloride for injection, usp is indicated for the treatment of serious or severe infections caused by susceptible strains of methicillin-resistant (β-lactam-resistant) staphylococci.  it is indicated for penicillin-allergic patients, for patients who cannot receive or who have failed to respond to other drugs, including the penicillins or cephalosporins, and for infections caused by vancomycin-susceptible organisms that are resistant to othe

DIAXONE Italia - italiensk - AIFA (Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco)


euro-pharma s.r.l. - ceftriaxone - ceftriaxone