Gama-X Capsule

País: Bangla Desh

Idioma: anglès

Font: DGDA (Directorate General of Drug Administration)

ingredients actius:

Habb-e Ambar Momiyaee

Disponible des:

Noble Unani Laboratories

Designació comuna internacional (DCI):

Habb-e Ambar Momiyaee

formulario farmacéutico:


Informació per a l'usuari

                                GAMA X
Each 250 mg capsule contains
Ambar 4.38 mg
Momiyaee 10.96 mg
Mustagi rumi 10.96 mg
Rawgan pesta 39.47 mg
Zahar mohra 10.96 mg
and other ingredients
Ref. : Bangladesh National Unani Formulary.
Mental weakness, Hepatic weakness, Cardiac weakness, Kidney weakness,
Nervous weakness and
Sexual debility.
1 – 2 Capsule daily or as directed by the physician.
Keep in a cool, dry place and away from light.
Keep out of the reach of children.
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Informació per a l'usuari Informació per a l'usuari bengalí 12-06-2024

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