Anatomage InVivoDental Imaging Software

Country: Singapore

Language: English

Source: HSA (Health Sciences Authority)

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Class B medical device

Manufactured by:

Anatomage, Inc.

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InVivoDental is a software application used for the display and 3D visualization of medical image files from scanning devices, such as CT, MRI, or 3D Ultrasound. It is intended for use by radiologists, clinicians, referring physicians, and other qualified individuals to retrieve, process, render, review, store, print, assist in distribute images, utilizing standard PC hardware. Additionally, InVivoDental is a preoperative software application used for the simulation and evaluation of dental implants, orthodontic planning and surgical treatments. This device is not indicated for mammography use.

Product summary:

Models: InVivoDental - InVivoDental 5.4, InVivoDental - InVivoDental 5.3

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