Azena Gemini 810+980 Diode Laser

Country: Singapore

Language: English

Source: HSA (Health Sciences Authority)

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Available from:

Fondaco Pte Ltd


Class C medical device

Manufactured by:

Azena Medical, LLC

Therapeutic area:


Therapeutic indications:

The GEMINI 810+980 Soft Tissue Laser is intended for the incision, excision, ablation, vaporization, haemostasis and treatment (including pain relief using photobiomodulation) of oral soft tissue

Product summary:

Device System Info:[System or Procedure Pack]; Models: Gemini Laser Kit - 8990, Gemini Power supply - 8991, Gemini Foot pedal - 8992, Gemini 5mm tips - 8993, Gemini 7mm tips - 8994, Handpiece Shell - 8996, Gemini PBM adapter kit - 8998, Disposable PBM Spacer Tips - 8999

Authorization date:


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