Benzatropine Injection

Country: Australia

Language: English

Source: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

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Active ingredient:

benzatropine mesilate, Quantity: 1 mg/mL

Available from:

Phebra Pty Ltd

Pharmaceutical form:

Injection, solution


Excipient Ingredients: sodium chloride; water for injections

Administration route:

Intramuscular, Intravenous

Therapeutic indications:

VPI-Benztropine is recommended for all etiologic groups of parkinsonism - arteriosclerotic, postencephalitic, idiopathic and drug-induced. It can be effective at any stage of the disease, even when a patient has become bedridden. Often it is helpful in patients who have become unresponsive to other agents. Though parkinsonism is chronic and usually progressive, its symptoms often can be controlled by suitable treatment. Therapy is directed toward control of disturbing symptoms to permit maximum integration of function and? minimum discomfort. In non-drug-induced parkinsonism, partial control of symptoms is the usual therapeutic accomplishment. VPI-Benztropine is a powerful anticholinergic agent mainly effective in relieving tremor and rigidity. Many other troublesome signs and symptoms, including sialorrhea, drooling, mask-like facies, oculogyric crises, speech and writing difficulties, dysphagia, gait disturbances, and pain and insomnia due to cramps and muscle spasm are also ameliorated. Extensive muscle rigidity. and spasm, often more disturbing than tremor, may be alleviated. Improvement in muscle function relieves many stigmata of parkinsonism. During therapy with VPI-Benztropine. The characteristic frozen facies, gait, and posture return toward normal; speech becomes freer; and sustained rigidity; discomfort, and restlessness during sleep usually are relieved. Physiotherapy can be applied more easily and may be more effective.

Product summary:

Visual Identification: A clear particle free solution; Container Type: Vial

Authorization status:

Listed (Export Only)

Authorization date:
