Electroencephalographic long-term ambulatory recorder

Country: Australia

Language: English

Source: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

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Available from:

Seer Medical Holdings Ltd


Class IIa

Manufactured by:

Seer Medical Holdings Ltd 278 Queensberry Street, Melbourne, VIC, 3000 Australia

Therapeutic area:

35163 - Electroencephalographic long-term ambulatory recorder

Therapeutic indications:

The Epilepsy Diagnosis System/Seer Home is intended to be used to record, capture, analyse, report and store patient physiological signals in the patient's home environment. The patient signals electroencephalography (EEG), electrocardiography (ECG), are recorded by the SeerSense front end are sent to the Monitoring Hub to be synchronised and stored with patient video and other information. The stored data is later uploaded to the Seer Web Platform for analysis and reporting.

Authorization status:


Authorization date:
