Patient monitor module, cardiac output

Country: Australia

Language: English

Source: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

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Available from:

Draeger Australia Pty Ltd


Class IIb

Manufactured by:

Draeger Medical Systems Inc 3135 Quarry Road, Telford, PA, 18969 United States Of America

Therapeutic area:

36561 - Patient monitor module, cardiac output

Therapeutic indications:

The Draeger Infinity PiCCO Pod is an optional accessory to Draeger Medical's Infinity patient monitors that provides for the determination and monitoring of cardiopulmonary and circulatory variables. Cardiac output is determined both continuously through pulse contour analysis and intermittently through thermodilution technique. In addition, the PiCCO Pod measures systolic, and diastolic and derives mean aterial pressure. Analysis of thermodilution curve in terms of mean transit time and downslope time is used for determination of intravascular and extravascular fluid volumes. The PiCCO SmartPod integrates four invasive pressures and cardiac output at the bedside using a single cable that connects the pod to the Infinity monitor.

Authorization status:


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