Airway device cleaning brush, invasive

Ország: Ausztrália

Nyelv: angol

Forrás: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

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Beszerezhető a:

Coloplast Pty Ltd


Class I


Atos Medical AB Kraftgatan 8, Horby, SE-242 35 Sweden

Terápiás terület:

62095 - Airway device cleaning brush, invasive

Terápiás javallatok:

The Provox Brush is used for cleaning of all Provox voice prostheses; for cleaning of LaryTube fenestrations; for application of Fluorosilicone oil in ActiValve; may be used for application of Anti-Candida medications into a voice prosthesis.The distal end of the Provox Brush is used as insertion tool for the Provox Plug. The brush is intended for use by the patient and is intended for single patient re-use.

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