Carbon Dioxide Absorbent for Anaesthesia

Ország: Izrael

Nyelv: héber

Forrás: Ministry of Health

Vedd Meg Most

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מסטמן מדיקל


בית חולים


Armstrong Medical Limited

Terápiás csoport:


Terápiás javallatok:

The devices are intended for use during inhalational anaesthesia in the absorption and neutralization of endogenously-produced CO2 resulting from metabolic gas exchange during anaesthesia respiration. The devices are available in packages containing material to be ‘loose-filled’ into a refillable absorbent canister located on the anaesthetic machine. Packages are also available as prefilled disposable canisters connecting to the anaesthesia machine in place of the refillable absorbent canister.

Termék összefoglaló:

The devices are intended for use during inhalational anaesthesia in the absorption and neutralization of endogenously-produced CO2 resulting from metabolic gas exchange during anaesthesia respiration. The devices are available in packages containing material to be ‘loose-filled’ into a refillable absorbent canister located on the anaesthetic machine. Packages are also available as prefilled disposable canisters connecting to the anaesthesia machine in place of the refillable absorbent canister.

A termékkel kapcsolatos riasztások keresése