Ultradent Porcelain Etch and Silane dental etching composite (hydrofluoric acid)

Ország: Szingapúr

Nyelv: angol

Forrás: HSA (Health Sciences Authority)

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Beszerezhető a:

Fondaco Pte Ltd


Class B medical device


Ultradent Products, Inc.

Terápiás terület:


Terápiás javallatok:

Ultradent Porcelain Etch is designed to use for intraoral or extraoral porcelain etching and indicated to use etching porcelain or old macro-filled composites prior to bonding and repair. Silane is for bonding after etching in preparation for bonding resin.

Termék összefoglaló:

Device System Info:[System or Procedure Pack], Procedure Pack; Models: Silane - 5926, Porcelain Etch Kit - 405, Porcelain Etch - 406

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