Opdualag Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


bristol-myers squibb pharma eeig - nivolumab, relatlimab - melanoma - antineoplastic agents, monoclonal antibodies - opdualag is indicated for the first line treatment of advanced (unresectable or metastatic) melanoma in adults and adolescents 12 years of age and older with tumour cell pd l1 expression < 1%.

Tasmar Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


viatris healthcare limited - tolcapone - marda ta 'parkinson - kontra l-marda ta ' parkinson id-drogi, aġenti dopaminerġiċi oħra - tasmar hija indikata fil kombinazzjoni ma ' ticlopidine hydrochloride / benserazide jew ticlopidine hydrochloride / carbidopa għall-użu fil-pazjenti ma ticlopidine hydrochloride-responsivi idiopathic parkinson's marda u oxxillazzjonijiet vetturi bil-mutur, li naqas milli jirrispondi għal jew huma intolerant ta ' xulxin inibituri ta ' catechol-o-methyltransferase (comt). minħabba r-riskju ta potenzjalment fatali, ħsara fil-fwied akut, tasmar ma għandhomx jiġu kkunsidrati bħala l-ewwel linja ta 'trattament miżjud ma' levodopa / benserazide jew levodopa / carbidopa. peress li tasmar għandu jiġi użat biss flimkien ma 'levodopa / benserazide u b'levodopa / carbidopa, l-tagħrif preskritt individwalment għal dawn l-sustanzi ta' levodopa hija applikabbli għall-użu tagħhom flimkien ma ' tasmar.

Pylobactell Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


torbet laboratories ireland limited - urea (13c) - breath tests; helicobacter infections - aġenti dijanjostiċi - dan il-prodott mediċinali huwa għal użu dijanjostiku biss. għal dijanjosi in vivo ta ' helicobacter pylori gastroduwodenali (h. pylori) .

Comirnaty Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


biontech manufacturing gmbh - single-stranded, 5’-capped messenger rna produced using a cell-free in vitro transcription from the corresponding dna templates, encoding the viral spike (s) protein of sars-cov-2 - covid-19 virus infection - vaċċini - comirnaty 30 micrograms/dose concentrate for dispersion for injection is indicated for active immunisation to prevent covid-19 caused by sars-cov-2, in individuals 12 years of age and older.  comirnaty 30 micrograms/dose dispersion for injection is indicated for active immunisation to prevent covid-19 caused by sars-cov-2, in individuals 12 years of age and older.  comirnaty 10 micrograms/dose concentrate for dispersion for injection is indicated for active immunisation to prevent covid-19 caused by sars-cov-2, in children aged 5 to 11 years.  comirnaty 3 micrograms/dose concentrate for dispersion for injection is indicated for active immunisation to prevent covid-19 caused by sars-cov-2, in infants and children aged 6 months to 4 years.  comirnaty original/omicron ba. 1 (15/15 micrograms)/dose dispersion for injection is indicated for active immunisation to prevent covid-19 caused by sars-cov-2, in individuals 12 years of age and older who have previously received at least a primary vaccination course against covid-19. comirnaty original/omicron ba. 4-5 (15/15 micrograms)/dose dispersion for injection is indicated for active immunisation to prevent covid-19 caused by sars-cov-2, in individuals 12 years of age and older. comirnaty original/omicron ba. 4-5 (5/5 micrograms)/dose concentrate for dispersion for injection is indicated for active immunisation to prevent covid-19 caused by sars-cov-2, in children aged 5 to 11 years. comirnaty original/omicron ba. 4-5 (5/5 micrograms)/dose dispersion for injection is indicated for active immunisation to prevent covid-19 caused by sars-cov-2, in children aged 5 to 11 years.  comirnaty original/omicron ba. 4-5 (1. 5/1. 5 micrograms)/dose concentrate for dispersion for injection is indicated for active immunisation to prevent covid-19 caused by sars-cov-2, in infants and children aged 6 months to 4 years.  comirnaty omicron xbb. 5 30 micrograms/dose dispersion for injection is indicated for active immunisation to prevent covid-19 caused by sars-cov-2, in individuals 12 years of age and older. comirnaty omicron xbb. 5 10 micrograms/dose concentrate for dispersion for injection is indicated for active immunisation to prevent covid-19 caused by sars-cov-2, in children aged 5 to 11 years. comirnaty omicron xbb. 5 10 micrograms/dose dispersion for injection is indicated for active immunisation to prevent covid-19 caused by sars-cov-2, in children aged 5 to 11 years. comirnaty omicron xbb. 5 3 micrograms/dose concentrate for dispersion for injection is indicated for active immunisation to prevent covid-19 caused by sars-cov-2, in infants and children aged 6 months to 4 years. l-użu ta ' dan il-vaċċin għandha tkun skond ir-rakkomandazzjonijiet uffiċjali.

Spikevax (previously COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna) Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

spikevax (previously covid-19 vaccine moderna)

moderna biotech spain, s.l. - single-stranded, 5’-capped messenger rna (mrna) produced using a cell-free in vitro transcription from the corresponding dna templates, encoding the viral spike (s) protein of sars-cov-2 - covid-19 virus infection - vaċċini - spikevax is indicated for active immunisation to prevent covid-19 caused by sars-cov-2 in individuals 6 months of age and older. spikevax bivalent original/omicron ba. 1 is indicated for active immunisation to prevent covid-19 caused by sars-cov-2 in individuals 6 years of age and older who have previously received at least a primary vaccination course against covid-19. spikevax bivalent original/omicron ba. 4-5 is indicated for active immunisation to prevent covid-19 caused by sars-cov-2 in individuals 6 months of age and older.  spikevax xbb. 5 is indicated for active immunisation to prevent covid 19 caused by sars-cov-2 in individuals 6 months of age and older. the use of this vaccine should be in accordance with official recommendations.

Sitagliptin SUN Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

sitagliptin sun

sun pharmaceutical industries europe b.v. - sitagliptin fumarate - diabetes mellitus, tip 2 - drogi użati fid-dijabete - for adult patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, sitagliptin sun is indicated to improve glycaemic control:as monotherapy:- in patients inadequately controlled by diet and exercise alone and for whom metformin is inappropriate due to contraindications or intolerance. as dual oral therapy in combination with:- metformin when diet and exercise plus metformin alone do not provide adequate glycaemic control. - a sulphonylurea when diet and exercise plus maximal tolerated dose of a sulphonylurea alone do not provide adequate glycaemic control and when metformin is inappropriate due to contraindications or intolerance. - a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (pparγ) agonist (i. a thiazolidinedione) when use of a pparγ agonist is appropriate and when diet and exercise plus the pparγ agonist alone do not provide adequate glycaemic control. as triple oral therapy in combination with:- a sulphonylurea and metformin when diet and exercise plus dual therapy with these medicinal products do not provide adequate glycaemic control. - a pparγ agonist and metformin when use of a pparγ agonist is appropriate and when diet and exercise plus dual therapy with these medicinal products do not provide adequate glycaemic control. sitagliptin sun is also indicated as add-on to insulin (with or without metformin) when diet and exercise plus stable dose of insulin do not provide adequate glycaemic control.

Sitagliptin Accord Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

sitagliptin accord

accord healthcare s.l.u. - sitagliptin hydrochloride - diabetes mellitus, tip 2 - drogi użati fid-dijabete - for adult patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, sitagliptin accord is indicated to improve glycaemic control:as monotherapy:- in patients inadequately controlled by diet and exercise alone and for whom metformin is inappropriate due to contraindications or intolerance. as dual oral therapy in combination with:- metformin when diet and exercise plus metformin alone do not provide adequate glycaemic control. - a sulphonylurea when diet and exercise plus maximal tolerated dose of a sulphonylurea alone do not provide adequate glycaemic control and when metformin is inappropriate due to contraindications or intolerance. - a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (ppary) agonist (i. a thiazolidinedione) when use of a ppary agonist is appropriate and when diet and exercise plus the ppary agonist alone do not provide adequate glycaemic control. as triple oral therapy in combination with:- a sulphonylurea and metformin when diet and exercise plus dual therapy with these medicinal products do not provide adequate glycaemic control. - a ppary agonist and metformin when use of a ppary agonist is appropriate and when diet and exercise plus dual therapy with these medicinal products do not provide adequate glycaemic control. sitagliptin accord is also indicated as add-on to insulin (with or without metformin) when diet and exercise plus stable dose of insulin do not provide adequate glycaemic control.

Cerezyme Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


sanofi b.v. - imiglucerase - mard gaucher - oħra tal-passaġġ alimentari u tal-metaboliżmu-prodotti, - cerezyme (imiglucerase) huwa indikat għall-użu bħala longterm enżima terapija ta ' sostituzzjoni fil-pazjenti bl-djanjosi konfermat ta ' non-neuronopathic (tip 1) jew neuronopathic kronika (tip 3) mard gaucher li jesebixxu klinikament sinifikanti nonneurological manifestazzjonijiet tal-marda. il-manifestazzjonijiet mhux newroloġiċi tal-marda gaucher jinkludu wieħed jew aktar mill-kondizzjonijiet li ġejjin:anemija wara l-esklużjoni ta 'kawżi oħra, bħal iron deficiencythrombocytopeniabone-marda wara l-esklużjoni ta' kawżi oħra bħal vitamina d deficiencyhepatomegaly jew splenomegalija.

Glidipion (previously Pioglitazone Actavis Group) Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

glidipion (previously pioglitazone actavis group)

actavis group ptc ehf    - pioglitazone hydrochloride - diabetes mellitus, tip 2 - drogi użati fid-dijabete - pioglitazone is indicated as second or third line treatment of type-2 diabetes mellitus as described below:as monotherapy:in adult patients (particularly overweight patients) inadequately controlled by diet and exercise for whom metformin is inappropriate because of contraindications or intolerance;as dual oral therapy in combination with:metformin, in adult patients (particularly overweight patients) with insufficient glycaemic control despite maximal tolerated dose of monotherapy with metformin;a sulphonylurea, only in adult patients who show intolerance to metformin or for whom metformin is contraindicated, with insufficient glycaemic control despite maximal tolerated dose of monotherapy with a sulphonylurea;as triple oral therapy in combination with:metformin and a sulphonylurea, in adult patients (particularly overweight patients) with insufficient glycaemic control despite dual oral therapy. pioglitazone huwa indikat ukoll għall-użu flimkien ma ' insulina fil-dijabete tat-tip 2 mellitus f'pazjenti adulti b'kontroll gliċemiku insuffiċjenti bl-insulina u li għalihom metformin mhux adattat minħabba kontra-indikazzjonijiet jew intolleranza. wara l-bidu tat-terapija b'pioglitazone, il-pazjenti għandhom jiġu riveduti wara 3 sa 6 xhur biex tevalwa l-adegwatezza tal-rispons għall-kura (e. it-tnaqqis fl-hba1c). f'pazjenti li jonqsu li juru rispons adegwat, pioglitazone għandu jitwaqqaf. fid-dawl tar-riskji potenzjali fit-tul mal-terapija, it-tobba għandhom jikkonfermaw fil-sussegwenti ta 'rutina reviżjonijiet li l-benefiċċju ta' pioglitazone jinżamm.

HBVaxPro Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


merck sharp & dohme b.v.  - epatite b, antiġen tal-wiċċ rikombinanti - hepatitis b; immunization - vaċċini - 5 micrograms hbvaxpro is indicated for active immunisation against hepatitis-b-virus infection caused by all known subtypes in individuals from birth through 15 years of age considered at risk of exposure to hepatitis-b virus. l-speċifiċi fil-kategoriji tar-riskju biex jiġu immunizzati għandhom jiġu determinati fuq il-bażi tar-rakkomandazzjonijiet uffiċjali. huwa mistenni li epatite d tiġi evitata wkoll permezz tat-tilqima b'hbvaxpro billi l-epatite d (ikkawżata mill-aġent delta) ma tfeġġx fl-assenza ta ' l-epatite b infezzjoni. 10 micrograms hbvaxpro is indicated for active immunisation against hepatitis-b-virus infection caused by all known subtypes in individuals 16 years of age or more considered at risk of exposure to hepatitis-b virus. l-speċifiċi fil-kategoriji tar-riskju biex jiġu immunizzati għandhom jiġu determinati fuq il-bażi tar-rakkomandazzjonijiet uffiċjali. huwa mistenni li epatite d tiġi evitata wkoll permezz tat-tilqima b'hbvaxpro billi l-epatite d (ikkawżata mill-aġent delta) ma tfeġġx fl-assenza ta ' l-epatite b infezzjoni. 40 micrograms hbvaxpro is indicated for the active immunisation against hepatitis-b-virus infection caused by all known subtypes in predialysis and dialysis adult patients. huwa mistenni li epatite d tiġi evitata wkoll permezz tat-tilqima b'hbvaxpro billi l-epatite d (ikkawżata mill-aġent delta) ma sseħħx fin-nuqqas ta ' infezzjoni tal-epatite b.