Salicid 12% Cream

Land: Bangladesh

Språk: engelsk

Kilde: DGDA (Directorate General of Drug Administration)

Aktiv ingrediens:

Salicylic Acid

Tilgjengelig fra:

Square Pharmaceuticals PLC, Pabna

INN (International Name):

Salicylic Acid

Dosering :

12 gm/100 gm



Informasjon til brukeren

SALICID™ Cream: Each gram cream contains Salicylic Acid BP 120 mg.
Salicylic Acid has a potent keratolytic & a slight antiseptic action
when applied topically to
the skin. In low concentrations, the drug has keratoplastic activity
(correction of abnormal
keratinization) & in higher concentrations, the drug has keratolytic
activity (causes peeling
of skin). Salicylic Acid softens & destroys the stratum corneum by
increasing endogenous
hydration (water concentration), probably because of decreased pH,
which causes the
cornified epithelium (horny layer of the skin) to swell, soften, &
then desquamate. Necrosis
of normal skin has been associated with overuse of the drug. At high
Salicylic Acid has a caustic effect. Moisture is essential for
Salicylic Acid to exert its action on
the skin and for maceration and desquamation of epidermal tissue to
occur. The drug has
weak antifungal & antibacterial activity.
Cream is indicated for the treatment of following common scaly
- Corns and Calluses (are hard, thick pads of skin caused by pressure
and friction. They
usually occur on the feet due to poorly f
itting shoes and can occur on the hands).
- Warts (small excessive growths of skin caused by a type of virus.
Warts often occur on the
fingers or on the back of the hands)
- Verruca (occurs only on the sole of the feet and can be painful. It
often looks like a small
white ring of skin with a black dot in the centre)
Apply to the affected area once daily (preferably at night). If
possible, hydrate area for 5
minutes to soften prior to application. Occlude the area at night.
Wash off in morning.
An overdose of topical Salicylic Acid is unlikely to occur. If an
overdose is suspected or if the
medication has been ingested accidentally, a poison control center or
emergency room
should be called immediately for advice.
For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes and other mucous
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