“瑞士”欣胃司錠 台湾 - 中文 - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


瑞士藥廠股份有限公司 台南市新市區中山路182號 (68770700) - dried aluminum hydroxide gel;;aluminum silicate;;magnesium oxide;;histidine monohydrochloride;;benzocaine (ethyl aminobenzoate) - 錠劑 - histidine monohydrochloride (4020100911) mg; dried aluminum hydroxide gel (5604000207) mg; magnesium oxide (5612001300) mg; benzocaine (ethyl aminobenzoate) (8408000200) mg; aluminum silicate (9600002000) mg - antacids, other combinations - 胃及十二指腸潰瘍、胃酸過多症、胃炎、胃痛。

日方藥研酵素胃腸藥錠 台湾 - 中文 - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


德佑藥品有限公司 台北市大同區南京西路46號(實際營業地址:5樓) (21266259) - sodium bicarbonate ( eq to sodium hydrogen carbonate);;calcium carbonate precipitate (eq to precipitated calcium carbonate);;magnesium aluminometasilicate;;ursodeoxycholic acid;;diastase;;lipase;;glycyrrhiza extract;;powdered fennel;;coptis rhizoma powder;;cinnamon bark powder ( eq to powdered cinnamon bark );;gentian ext;;clove powder - 錠劑 - sodium bicarbonate ( eq to sodium hydrogen carbonate) (4008000700) mg; magnesium aluminometasilicate (5604000512) mg; calcium carbonate precipitate (eq to precipitated calcium carbonate) (5604001230) mg; cinnamon bark powder ( eq to powdered cinnamon bark ) (5610000107) mg; powdered fennel (5610000303) mg; coptis rhizoma powder (5612003812) mg; diastase (5616000700) mg; gentian ext (5616000801) (=gentian 2.67mg)mg; lipase (5616000900) mg; ursodeoxycholic acid (5616001800) mg; clove powder (7200000301) mg; glycyrrhiza extract (9200004401) (=glycyrrhiza 37.5mg)mg - antacids, other combinations - 緩解胃部不適、胃酸過多、健胃、幫助消化。

佛記保衛胃補錠 台湾 - 中文 - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


正和製藥股份有限公司新營廠 台南市新營區嘉芳里新工路23號 (72004856) - oxethazaine;;aluminum hydroxide dried gel;;magnesium carbonate - 錠劑 - aluminum hydroxide dried gel (5604000202) mg; magnesium carbonate (5604002400) mg; oxethazaine (5604002900) mg - antacids, other combinations - 胃炎、腸炎、食道炎所伴隨之胃痛、胃酸過多、胃部不適或灼熱感。

懷甦適三層錠 台湾 - 中文 - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


佐藤製藥股份有限公司 臺北市信義區基隆路一段333號4樓 (22662828) - dried aluminum hydroxide gel;;neusilin ufl2;;sodium bicarbonate ( eq to sodium hydrogen carbonate);;magnesium carbonate;;ursodesoxycholic acid;;phellodendron bark powder (eq to powdered phellodendron bark);;swertiae herba powder ( powdered swertia herb);;ginger powder;;cinnamon bark powder ( eq to powdered cinnamon bark );;lupulus extract;;biodiastase 2000;;scopolia extract;;lipase ap12;;newlase - 錠劑 - sodium bicarbonate ( eq to sodium hydrogen carbonate) (4008000700) mg; dried aluminum hydroxide gel (5604000207) mg; neusilin ufl2 (5604000530) aluminium magnesium metasilicate=mg; magnesium carbonate (5604002400) mg; scopolia extract (1208004502) mg; newlase (4400002700) mg; biodiastase 2000 (4400007120) mg; cinnamon bark powder ( eq to powdered cinnamon bark ) (5610000107) mg; ginger powder (5610000401) powdered gingermg; lipase ap12 (5616000930) mg; ursodesoxycholic acid (5616005700) mg; phellodendron bark powder (eq to powdered phellodendron bark) (5640001512) mg; swertiae herba powder ( powdered swertia herb) (9200014911) mg; lupulus extract (9900049000) lupulus dried extractmg - antacids, other combinations - 緩解胃部不適或灼熱感、或經診斷為胃及十二指腸潰瘍、胃炎、食道炎所伴隨之胃酸過多,幫助消化。

胃腸藥散 台湾 - 中文 - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


威力化學製藥股份有限公司 台南市開元路60號 (68458102) - sodium bicarbonate ( eq to sodium hydrogen carbonate);;magnesium carbonate;;calcium carbonate;;aluminum hydroxide dried gel;;vernase;;cinnamon powder (cinnamon cortex powder);;picrasmae lignum powder;;zinger rhizoma (zingiber rhizoma);;foeniculi fructus powder;;glycyrrhiza radix powder;;phellodendron bark powder (eq to powdered phellodendron bark) - 散劑 - sodium bicarbonate ( eq to sodium hydrogen carbonate) (4008000700) 600mg; vernase (4400002500) 50mg; aluminum hydroxide dried gel (5604000202) 70mg; calcium carbonate (5604001200) (precipated)300mg; magnesium carbonate (5604002400) 120mg; cinnamon powder (cinnamon cortex powder) (5610000103) 20mg; foeniculi fructus powder (5610000312) (pulverate) 10mg; phellodendron bark powder (eq to powdered phellodendron bark) (5640001512) (pulveratus)mg; glycyrrhiza radix powder (9200004411) 100mg; zinger rhizoma (zingiber rhizoma) (9200015010) (pulverata) 10mg; picrasmae lignum powder (9200015402) 10mg - antacids, other combinations - 緩解胃部不適或灼熱感、胃酸過多、消化不良

胃能達懸液 台湾 - 中文 - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


正長生化學製藥股份有限公司 彰化縣和美鎮彰美路二段6號 (59195494) - oxethazaine;;aluminum hydroxide gel;;aluminum hydroxide gel;;magnesium hydroxide - 懸液劑 - aluminum hydroxide gel (5604000201) 0.95ml; aluminum hydroxide gel (5604000201) 38mg; magnesium hydroxide (5604002500) 20mg; oxethazaine (5604002900) 2mg - antacids, other combinations - 胃炎、腸炎、食道炎所伴隨之胃酸過多、胃部不適或灼熱感。

胃可舒錠 台湾 - 中文 - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


翰豪實業有限公司 台北巿羅斯福路五段45號3樓之1 (04909927) - pantothenate calcium;;nicotinamide;;sodium bicarbonate ( eq to sodium hydrogen carbonate);;magnesium oxide;;calcium carbonate precipitate (eq to precipitated calcium carbonate);;dehydrocholic acid;;glycyrrhiza powder;;gentian powder - 錠劑 - sodium bicarbonate ( eq to sodium hydrogen carbonate) (4008000700) 75mg; calcium carbonate precipitate (eq to precipitated calcium carbonate) (5604001230) 25mg; magnesium oxide (5612001300) 50mg; gentian powder (5616000802) 2.5mg; dehydrocholic acid (5632000300) 2.5mg; nicotinamide (8810000330) 1.25mg; pantothenate calcium (8812300200) 2.5mg; glycyrrhiza powder (9200004402) 37.5mg - antacids, other combinations - 消化不良、食慾不良、胃痛、胃酸過多。

爽胃王-加顆粒 台湾 - 中文 - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


衛采製藥股份有限公司 台北市長安東路一段十八號九樓 (89283375) - sodium copper chlorophyllin;;polymigel (al.hydroxide +caco3 +mgco3 );;sodium bicarbonate ( eq to sodium hydrogen carbonate);;synthetic hydrotalcite;;scopolia extract powder;;dimethicone (eq to dimethylpolysiloxane or polydimethyl siloxane) - 內服顆粒劑 - scopolia extract powder (1208004503) mg; sodium bicarbonate ( eq to sodium hydrogen carbonate) (4008000700) mg; synthetic hydrotalcite (5604002010) mg; polymigel (al.hydroxide +caco3 +mgco3 ) (5604003400) mg; dimethicone (eq to dimethylpolysiloxane or polydimethyl siloxane) (5610000500) mg; sodium copper chlorophyllin (8416000642) mg - antacids, other combinations - 緩解胃部不適或灼熱感、胃酸過多,消化不良,解除脹氣,緩解脹氣相關症狀。

依斯-烏爾庫斯錠 台湾 - 中文 - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


杏輝藥品工業股份有限公司 宜蘭縣冬山鄉中山村中山路84、84之4、84之6、84之7號、冬山鄉中山村新寮路95、95之1、100之7、100之13、100之15、100之16、103、136號 (42042734) - histidine hcl;;magnesium oxide;;dried aluminum hydroxide gel;;aluminum silicate;;benzocaine (ethyl aminobenzoate) - 錠劑 - histidine hcl (4020100910) mg; dried aluminum hydroxide gel (5604000207) mg; magnesium oxide (5612001300) mg; benzocaine (ethyl aminobenzoate) (8408000200) mg; aluminum silicate (9600002000) mg - antacids, other combinations - 緩解胃部不適或灼熱感、胃酸過多、消化不良。

"大豐"固新胃錠 台湾 - 中文 - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


大豐製藥股份有限公司 彰化縣彰化市延平里岸頭巷11號 (59036721) - oxethazaine;;synthetic aluminum silicate - 錠劑 - oxethazaine (5604002900) 5mg; synthetic aluminum silicate (9600002020) mg - antacids, other combinations - 急慢性胃炎、食道炎、過敏性大腸症及消化性潰瘍等伴有的胃痛、腹痛、噁心、嘔吐及胃不快感。